

Kamis, 05 Juni 2014

How to Open Your Heart

Child: Could Bawa Muhaiyaddeen say something about how to open the heart?
Bawa Muhaiyaddeen: In whatever room you live, you need a key to open the door. In the same way, no matter what religion, color, or race you belong to, no matter what philosophies or doctrines you follow, if you want to open the rooms of Allah you need the key of iman, the key of absolute faith and determination. That key will open any lock.
You must believe in the truth that there is nothing other than Allah. He alone is the permanent truth, the One who has no beginning, no end, and no form. He exists everywhere. He is a power, One that does not diminish regardless of how much each creation takes from it. He is perfect completeness.
Have perfect faith in Allah and turn the key of iman, saying, “La ilaha illallahu. There is nothing other than You, O God. You are Allah.” Then Allah’s house will open to you. There is a room in which His resonance, resplendence, explanation, and light exist. “Al-hamdu lillah,” you will say. “All praise belongs to God.” It is in this state that you will be able to open the qalb, the innermost heart.

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